When Zmodem is selected, the sender controls the action to take if a file exists. This way, you can reuse the same job over and over, and can even automate a transfer by using the FTWIZ verb with a saved job: The host message line is the top row of the screen display, and the label line is displayed on the bottom row. In these cases, the computer on the receiving end needs to inform Configuring AccuTerm 25 the sending computer to suspend transmission until the slower computer is able to catch up. If you select Overwrite or Append and the file does not exist, AccuTerm will create the file. For certain file types Excel, Access, etc. To use this feature, specify the Excel file name as: accuterm 2k2

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To play a wave file, select this option and enter the full path for the wave file to be played. AccuTerm has taken the extended and normal modes one step further. The text is displayed with a line number in the left margin, and may be highlighted by color and text style according to BASIC language syntax rules. If you want to select a different printer, select the Use Specific Printer option, then select a accuerm from the dropdown list. Just begin the Caption Tip field with a vertical bar and enter the tip.

View Function Bar The function bar is used to display a row of function key buttons at the top or bottom of the session window.

accuterm 2k2

The document is edited using a free-form text editor, and fully supports standard Windows commands. All of the function keys and most of the keypad editing keys can be programmed. All rights reserved worldwide. You can even customize the color and text style used for highlighting, specify you own language keyword list and create a accutrm keyword list. Limitations of Remedies ASE's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be limited to: To change option setting, enter O in response to the first prompt.

AccuTerm 7 User Manual Accu Term

After clicking on the Continue button, the software license agreement will be displayed. Enter target DOS file name: Defaults These default options may be set checked or reset un-checked as desired. Protocol Select the protocol you want to use to upload the selected file s by clicking the appropriate option button: If you cannot run two sessions, you must use an intermediate PC file to store the data temporarily using the two step method see next section.

Use the Begin Capture dialog to select the destination file and specify other options.

License ASE grants you a non-exclusive license only to: To create a session, click the Yes button at this time. From the Open Phone Directory File dialog, select the drive and directory for the new phone directory file, and enter the new phone directory file name.

AccuTerm 2K2 Users Guide |

To display information about AccuTerm, including version, release, serial number and registered user, select the About AccuTerm option. When public key authentication is selected, click the Select… button to open the Key Management dialog.

This feature may be useful when the host system or network equipment such as routers disconnects an idle connection. Modem connections use Windows built-in dialer, and unlimited phone directory entries.

AccuTerm 7 User Manual Accu Term

When the screen is printed in graphics mode, the printed image includes text, line drawing characters, any images displayed on the screen, and may optionally include the screen background and colors. Transfer Mode Possible transfer modes are text and binary.

accuterm 2k2

If Printed data is selected, all data which would normally be printed to the slave printer port is captured to the selected file, and not printed. Choose flat to draw lines using the outer 2kk2 border color. You can also enter an optional help tip in this field. This process may take some time to complete. If multiple files are being uploaded, multiple item-IDs may be specified here.

AccuTerm 2K2 Users Guide

To use this command, the session must be setup with more than one video page. Although the passphrase is optional, it is highly recommended since anyone that gains access to your private key file can impersonate your identity!

accuterm 2k2

For users of MultiValue based systems, using the File Transfer Wizard or the command-line utilities is the recommended method of exchanging data between your PC and the host computer. When a macro is being recorded, accuferm small control window is shown in the lowerright corner of the screen.
