Leave your name in the history! Privatnost Pravila i uslovi Android Kontakt. Write about your feelings and thoughts about Ta Mathitika Xronia Know what this song is about? Describe what artist is trying to say in a certain line, whether it's personal feelings, strong statement or something else. Tous mathites tous troei to stress Ma san teleiosei to sxoleio teleionoun tis zois mas ki oi stigmes oi pio kales Ma ego tha edina ta panta Post my meaning Write my explanation new To explain lyrics, select line or word and click "Explain". ta mathitika ta xronia

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Mi viazesai, ta xronia grigora pernoun! Use "Find Lyrics" box on our site, try to use different artist or and song title ex: Privatnost Pravila i uslovi Android Kontakt.

Ki oi protes oi rytides san dromoi piso mas girnoun Sta xronia ta mathitika Tous mathites Tous troei to stress Ma san teleiosei to sxoleio Teleionoun tis zois mas Ki oi stigmes oi pio kales Ma ego tha edina ta panta Anna Vissi — Ta Mathitika Xronia lyrics.

Ta Mathitika Xronia word forms. Leave your name in the history! View 10 more explanations.

No More The Fool. Create mthitika account to credit all your contributions to your name, receive rewards, status updates and get feedback from our community. Tous mathites tous troei to stress Ki agonia an tha mpoune stis anotates sxoles Tous mathites tous troei to stress ki oloi theloun na ksefygoun apo fysikoximeies, algevres, grammatikes Add song structure elements.

Mi viazesai, ta xronia grigora pernoun!

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Sajt ne sadrzi mp3 pesme za download. Don't hesitate to explain what songwriters and singer wanted to say.

Ta Mathitika Xronia Lyrics by Anna Vissi

Ma ego tha edina ta panta na ginomouna pali paidi ligo na vriskomouna stis idies takseis, sta idia thrania, me tous simmathites mou na kano asteia kai tous kathigites na koitazoun kaxypopta. If it has not helped, write us all information that you know about this song, we try to help you.

Tekstovi pesama su u vlasnistvu njihovih autora i prikazani su mathitikx u edukativne svrhe. Anna Vissi Ta Mathitika Xronia.

Ta Mathitika Xronia - Anna Vissi | Letras de Canciones FM

ga Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? We moderate every meaning Follow these rules and your meaning will be published.

ta mathitika ta xronia

Ta mathika ta xronia den t'allazo me tipota!!! Mi viazesai, ta xronia grigora pernoun! Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. Other Anna Vissi song Lyrics Antidoto "pote den to perimena pos tha' ftane h stigmi pou tha mou petages esi ena adio toso psihra, toso anapandeha, toso aprosdokita miazi me htipima tis kobras to adio sou Before you get started, be sure to check out these explanations created by our users: Provide quotes to support the facts you mention.

Ask us or our community about the part of the song that interests you We will try to respond as soon as xronix.

Ta Mathitika Xronia Lyrics by Anna Vissi

Tous mathites tous troei to stress Ma san teleiosei to sxoleio teleionoun tis at mas ki oi stigmes oi pio kales Ma ego tha edina ta panta Tous mathites tous troei to stress, ta kardioxtypia,oi syzitiseis mes stis sxolikes ayles Make sure you've read our simple tips Hey! Bold Italic Link Add an image new! If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Ta mathika ta xronia den t'allazo me tipota!!! Describe what artist is trying to say in a certain line, whether it's personal feelings, strong statement or something else.

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