What is Digital Signature Certificate Revocation? To enable Active X please follow the below steps given:. How to enable ActiveX settings in different versions of Internet Explorer. Windows firewall and antivirus should be turned off. The root certificate should be placed in the correct store of the windows as below: Protect your computer from unauthorized access by keeping it physically secure Use access control products or operating system protection features such as a system password Always protect your private key with a good password. You need to revoke the current certificate and apply for a new one. e-mudhra certificate trust chain

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Your browser supports download of certificate. Option 2 eMudhra Helper Service This option allows you to download certificate through any browser.

Choose option to Download your Certificate. If CCA Mauritius certificate which should be placed in the trusted root certification authority only is placed in the intermediate certification authority you will receive the error massage as "This certificate cannot be verified up to a trusted certification authority" while viewing the certificate in the IE.

If the email containing DSC download credentials is tgust received from eMudhra, then please send an email to info emudhra. Before you proceed to download, please insert the USB token in which you want to download the certificate. This is actually taken care during DSC download process but due to some reason, if trust chain is not installed properly, then the same can be downloaded from the eMudhra website www.

e-Mudhra certificate trust chain download

After installing all the trust chain Please login with the same credentials to download the certificate. No, details cannot be changed.

Windows firewall and antivirus should be turned off. A Digital Signature Certificate can be revoked under circumstances such as the following Users suspect compromise of certificate private key Change of personal data Change of relationship with the organization.

About Us Branch Offices. Double check your email and ensure correct entry of credentials in the download Digital Signature Certificate DSC page. Currently, eMudhra handles installation of all certificates Root, CA and your Digital Signature Em-udhra during download of digital signature certificate.

eMudhra Assistance

Home About Us Our Solutions. Click on custom level to set the active X control as per the below IE versions: Protect your computer from unauthorized access by keeping it physically secure Use access control products or operating system protection features such as a system e-mdhra Always protect your private key with a good password.

If you are downloading certificate into USB token, install the token drivers " Click Here to download drivers". You have to contact Registration Authority i.

Some of the details in my Digital Signature Certificate are incorrect. However, you can also use emClick Java e-mkdhra utility for downloading on your computer.

Check whether the crypto token drivers have been installed properly. No, revocation is restricted to: How do I revoke my current Digital Signature Certificate, and how long does it take?

e-mudhra certificate trust chain

If you are not satisfied with your details displayed, you can reject the application. The download process should be carried out in the administer privilege system.

Click Here if drives not installed in your computer Now proceed to enter the digital certificate application number and challenge code sent by us to your mobile number registered with us. Click Here in case you need the procedure for the above.

Ensure that 'ActiveX' controls are enabled in the Crtificate Explorer. What do I do? I have lost the USB Token containing my certificate and cryptographic keys.

Login: eMudhra Download Portal Login

The root certificate should be placed in the correct store of the windows as below: You need to revoke the current certificate and e-muvhra for a new one. System requirement are Windows XP, Vista and 7.

e-mudhra certificate trust chain

If yes, right click and run the add-on. If ignored, the above stated message will be displayed.
